Page name: alt codes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-08-12 04:14:01
Last author: HiddenFire
Owner: HiddenFire
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Hold down on the alt key then punch in the number in the key pad (num lock on) and you get the corresponding character.

1 ☺ 2 ☻ 3 ♥ 4 ♦ 5 ♣ 6 ♠ 7 • 8 ◘ 9 ○ 10 ◙ 11 ♂ 12 ♀ 13 ♪ 14 ♫ 15 ☼ 16 ► 17 ◄ 18 ↕ 19 ‼ 20 ¶ 21 § 22 ▬ 23 ↨ 24 ↑ 25 ↓ 26 → 27 ← 28 ∟ 29 ↔ 30 ▲ 31 ▼ 32 33 ! 34 " 35 # 36 $ 37 % 38 & 39 40 ( 41 ) 42 * 43 + 44 , 45 - 46 . 47 / 48 0 49 1 50 2 51 3 52 4 53 5 54 6 55 7 56 8 57 9 58 : 59 ; 60 < 61 = 62 > 63 ? 64 @ 65 A 66 B 67 C 68 D 69 E 70 F 71 G 72 H 73 I 74 J 75 K 76 L 77 M 78 N 79 O 80 P 81 Q 82 R 83 S 84 T 85 U 86 V 87 W 88 X 89 Y 90 Z 91 [ 92 \ 93 ] 94 ^ 95 _ 96 ` 97 a 98 b 99 c 100 d 101 e 102 f 103 g 104 h 105 i 106 j 107 k 108 l 109 m 110 n 111 o 112 p 113 q 114 r 115 s 116 t 117 u 118 v 119 w 120 x 121 y 122 z 123 { 124 | 125 } 126 ~ 127 ⌂ 128 Ç 129 ü 130 é 131 â 132 ä 133 à 134 å 135 ç 136 ê 137 ë 138 è 139 ï 140 î 141 ì 142 Ä 143 Å 144 É 145 æ 146 Æ 147 ô 148 ö 149 ò 150 û 151 ù 152 ÿ 153 Ö 154 Ü 155 ¢ 156 £ 157 ¥ 158 ₧ 159 ƒ 160 á 161 í 162 ó 163 ú 164 ñ 165 Ñ 166 ª 167 º 168 ¿ 169 ⌐ 170 ¬ 171 ½ 172 ¼ 173 ¡ 174 « 175 » 176 ░ 177 ▒ 178 ▓ 179 │ 180 ┤ 181 ╡ 182 ╢ 183 ╖ 184 ╕ 185 ╣ 186 ║ 187 ╗ 188 ╝ 189 ╜ 190 ╛ 191 ┐ 192 └ 193 ┴ 194 ┬ 195 ├ 196 ─ 197 ┼ 198 ╞ 199 ╟ 200 ╚ 201 ╔ 202 ╩ 203 ╦ 204 ╠ 205 ═ 206 ╬ 207 ╧ 208 ╨ 209 ╤ 210 ╥ 211 ╙ 212 ╘ 213 ╒ 214 ╓ 215 ╫ 216 ╪ 217 ┘ 218 ┌ 219 █ 220 ▄ 221 ▌ 222 ▐ 223 ▀ 224 α 225 ß 226 Γ 227 π 228 Σ 229 σ 230 µ 231 τ 232 Φ 233 Θ 234 Ω 235 δ 236 ∞ 237 φ 238 ε 239 ∩ 240 ≡ 241 ± 242 ≥ 243 ≤ 244 ⌠ 245 ⌡ 246 ÷ 247 ≈ 248 ° 249 ∙ 250 · 251 √ 252 ⁿ 253 ² 254 ■ 255
and more: 033 ! 034 " 035 # 036 $ 037 % 038 & 039 040 ( 041 ) 042 * 043 + 044 , 045 - 046 . 047 / 048 0 049 1 050 2 051 3 052 4 053 5 054 6 055 7 056 8 057 9 058 : 059 ; 060 < 061 = 062 > 063 ? 064 @ 065 A 066 B 067 C 068 D 069 E 070 F 071 G 072 H 073 I 074 J 075 K 076 L 077 M 078 N 079 O 080 P 081 Q 082 R 083 S 084 T 085 U 086 V 087 W 088 X 089 Y 090 Z 091 [ 092 \ 093 ] 094 ^ 095 _ 096 ` 097 a 098 b 099 c 0100 d 0101 e 0102 f 0103 g 0104 h 0105 i 0106 j 0107 k 0108 l 0109 m 0110 n 0111 o 0112 p 0113 q 0114 r 0115 s 0116 t 0117 u 0118 v 0119 w 0120 x 0121 y 0122 z 0123 { 0124 | 0125 } 0126 ~ 0127 0128 ž 0129  0130 ‚ 0131 ƒ 0132 ◘ 0133 … 0134 † 0135 ‡ 0136 ˆ 0137 ‰ 0138 Š 0139 ‹ 0140 Œ 0141  0142 Ž 0143  0144  0145 ‘ 0146 ¹ 0147 “ 0148 ” 0149 • 0150 – 0151 — 0152 ˜ 0153 ™ 0154 š 0155 › 0156 œ 0157  0158 ž 0159 Ÿ 0160 0161 ¡ 0162 ¢ 0163 £ 0164 ¤ 0165 ¥ 0166 ¦ 0167 § 0168 ¨ 0169 © 0170 ª 0171 « 0172 ¬ 0173 0174 ® 0175 ¯ 0176 ° 0177 ± 0178 ² 0179 ³ 0180 ´ 0181 µ 0182 ¶ 0183 · 0184 ¸ 0185 ¹ 0186 º 0187 » 0188 ¼ 0189 ½ 0190 ¾ 0191 ¿ 0192 À 0193 Á 0194  0195 à 0196 Ä 0197 Å 0198 Æ 0199 Ç 0200 È 0201 É 0202 å 0203 Ë 0204 Ì 0205 Í 0206 Î 0207 Ï 0208 Ð 0209 Ñ 0210 Ò 0211 Ó 0212 Ô 0213 Õ 0214 Ö 0215 × 0216 Ø 0217 Ù 0218 Ú 0219 Û 0220 Ü 0221 Ý 0222 Þ 0223 ß 0224 à 0225 á 0226 â 0227 ã 0228 ä 0229 å 0230 æ 0231 ç 0232 è 0233 é 0234 ê 0235 ë 0236 ì 0237 í 0238 î 0239 ï 0240 ð 0241 ñ 0242 ò 0243 ó 0244 ô 0245 õ 0246 ö 0247 ÷ 0248 ø 0249 ø 0250 ú 0251 û 0252 ü 0253 ý 0254 þ 0255 ÿ

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2004-08-05 [Avoral]: What's with everything with 92 and 93 in it being red?

2004-08-05 [HiddenFire]: Avoral, I'm dissapointed in you. they're between square braces. 91 [ and 93 ]

2004-08-05 [HiddenFire]: 91 and 93 are square braces.

2004-08-05 [Avoral]: Screw you! I just woke up! Hehe... Yeah, I totally forgot about that. *Blinks* Wow. I really should've caught that.

2004-08-06 [HiddenFire]: Understandable. We're all allowed to screw up like that on occasions, Heck you know I screwed up royally on that encryption stuff... you corrected me on all of that. We're not even though... You're still allowed several more mistakes from all the one's I made there. o.0

2004-08-08 [Jewl]: try them all backwards. Then try a one in front of each, then a 2, 3, etc etc. And you can get up to 8 digits. So.... I reeeeaaaallly don't think you got them all. =φ

2004-08-08 [HiddenFire]: Show me one character that I do not have and I might consider it. For one, I believe they restart, cycle over. The list being 255 long and the second 222. alt+256 and alt+0 are nothing but alt+257 is the same as alt+1. In the same manner alt+0-033 are nothing as well as alt+0256 but alt+0289(256+33) is the same as alt+033. :þ

2004-08-08 [Jewl]: α , for one... sure you have a... but α?

2004-08-08 [HiddenFire]: alt+224 = α

2004-08-08 [HiddenFire]: use the "Find" function to check and see whether or not you can create a character that I have not found. It usually is ctrl+f. ^_^

2004-08-09 [HiddenFire]:


2004-08-09 [Kayne]: stop using the biggest tag of them all

2004-08-09 [HiddenFire]: This be my wiki-page! and thusly, I am allowed to use "the biggest tag of them all." That's the whole "I created the rules so I can break them" way of thinking. No one else is allowed to use the <huge> tag but me. I won't go all religeous for the risk of sounding both egotistical and offensive. @.@

2004-08-09 [Avoral]:


2004-08-09 [HiddenFire]: *maniacle laughter*

2004-08-09 [Avoral]: Ah, damn. I was just going to let it slide from there on anyway.

2004-08-09 [HiddenFire]: ok... for fear of you flooding me with <huge> texts I'll let that one pass. :P

2004-08-10 [Delight]: Wow, this proves amusing. And i officially have an attacment disorder with Alt-178 but it doesn't work on my computer, DAMNIT!

2004-08-10 [HiddenFire]: ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ how odd. @.@

2004-08-11 [Delight]: I just get ¦

2004-08-11 [HiddenFire]: something about unicode something or another... actually now that ET has been updated the codes here went all kinds of wonky! @.@

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